► For more detail and additional data sources visit the general business research guide. |
Looking at relevant industry reports will help you identify competition and how your company is performing in the industry compared to others, it will also help you with some aspects of the PESTEL and five forces analysis.
News is sometimes our only source of external information about a small or private company. News or interviews with CEOs can provide really current and up to date information about a company’s performance, products, problems, actions, and strategy or the most current industry trends, projections, overall economic conditions, and social factors.
Publications that report/provide opinion on business or industry topics (Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, etc.)
News databases (depends on your country/region) & Google News
A general internet search to capture interviews with individuals via podcasts, video, or social media - make sure to evaluate & be critical!
Several library databases provide access to company profiles, use these to understand the organizational context and collect basic information.
Start with the website of the company you are researching. A public company listed on the stock exchange will have a lot of investor information including:
financials & filings -- especially the company's annual report
board & executives
strategy & reporting presentations
news/press releases + social media/blogs
stock information
analyst coverage
initiatives such as sustainability, EDI, employee engagement etc.
Note: It can be much harder to find information about a smaller, private, or international company.
Are you managing a large amount of articles, websites, and other resources for your assignment? Why not use a citation management software like Zotero to keep organized and automatically generate your references, you can even create shared libraries for team projects.