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Scholarly use of AI tools

The purpose of this guide is to support the UVic campus community in navigating the evolving AI landscape, especially around generative AI ('GenAI'). The resources featured here provide essential knowledge for the responsible and ethical use of GenAI in a

UVic Position Statement on Generative A.I.
(as of Dec. 4 2023)

Generative Artificial Intelligence Statement

The University of Victoria:

► Embraces the integration of GenAI tools in a responsible, ethical and equitable manner that enhances learning and teaching as appropriate. However, UVic does not permit instructors either to use GenAI tools to grade students’ work or to use plagiarism detection software to determine violation of the Academic Integrity policy.


► Commits to supporting faculty, instructors, students and staff to understand how GenAI works and to develop skills for effective and responsible use of GenAI and other digital tools, through workshops, podcasts, and toolkits offered by the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation.


► Provides course syllabi templates and sample statements on use of GenAI; suggestions for teaching and assessments using artificial intelligence; and opportunities to share knowledge and experience teaching with artificial intelligence within and across disciplines.


► Supports the integration of GenAI in learning and teaching where it is appropriate, responsive to disciplinary needs, and respectful of intellectual property rights.

► Encourages faculty and instructors to determine when and how GenAI may be used in their courses and to provide in the course outline clear instructions to students regarding permissible use of GenAI. Faculty and instructors who integrate artificial intelligence in their courses are encouraged to discuss the benefits, risks, and limitations of such tools and to teach students about ethical and responsible use of GenAI.


► Recognizes that the un-cited or unauthorized use of GenAI in course work may constitute a violation of the university’s Academic Integrity policy. To avoid academic integrity violations, students must familiarize themselves with UVic’s Academic Integrity policy and with the permissible use of GenAI in each course as determined by the instructor and as explained in the course outline.


► Commits to evaluating, responding to and supporting research on the use of GenAI in higher education.


Link to full text of the Position Statement

UVic Academic Integrity Policy & how it applies to AI use

As of December 2023, no additions to UVic's Academic Integrity Policy have been released. Besides UVic's Position Statement on GenAI, we refer to the editor's clause in UVic's Academic Integrity Policy that is currently in place, when talking about the use of generative AI. 

Under Academic integrity violations, the policy states (colored text highlighting by UVic Libraries):

Academic integrity violations covered by this policy can take a number of forms, including the following:


Unauthorized use of an editor

An editor is an individual or service, other than the instructor or supervisory committee, who manipulates, revises, corrects or alters a student’s written or non-written work.

The use of an editor [...] is prohibited unless the instructor grants explicit written authorization. The instructor should specify the extent of editing that is being authorized.

ATWP’s Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) tool guidelines (Fall 2023)

Policy excerpt (colored text highlighting by UVic Libraries):


Artificial intelligence tools that rely on large language models [...] are yet another technology many writers will learn to use effectively.


In the context of Academic and Technical Writing Program classes, there are some tasks connected to assignments for which it might be appropriate to use an artificial intelligence tool.


However, in some instances, using an artificial intelligence tool would keep a student from benefiting from the purpose of the assignment.


And in some cases, using an artificial intelligence tool would contravene the principles of academic integrity.


Therefore, you should not use any artificial intelligence tools when working on assignments for this class unless your instructor has explicitly authorized their use. In some cases, that “authorization” will be specified in assignment instructions. In some cases, you will get guidance in class or in an announcement in the Brightspace course site. If you’re ever unsure of whether it’s appropriate to use an artificial intelligence tool in an ATWP class to complete an assignment, ask your instructor.

In all cases, you are expected to make explicit if you have made use of an artificial intelligence tool to generate content just as you would cite any other source of ideas and language.[...]

Full text of the policy, including further explanations and examples.

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