An e-book (short for electronic book, also written eBook or ebook) is converted digital text that forms the equivalent of a conventional printed book, sometimes protected with a digital rights management (DRM*) system. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book as "an electronic version of a printed book," but e-books can and do exist without any printed equivalent. These e-books are said to be born digitally.
*DRM or Digital Rights Management refers to the controlled use of digital media by preventing access, copying or conversion to other formats by the end user.
Dictionary of Biomedicine [electronic resource]
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010.
Encyclopedia of medical devices and instrumentation
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Interscience, c2006
Call Number: Reference R856 A3E53 2006
Concise Dictionary of Biomedicine and Molecular Biology
Author: Pei-Show Juo / Boca Raton: CRC Press, c2002
Call Number: Reference R121 J86 2002
Edition: 2nd
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