Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook/IMF The yearbook presents balance of payments data reported by member countries, with some additional data added by the IMF from other sources.
Call Number: HF1014 I5
Current Index to Statistics (CIS) The CIS is a bibliographic index to periodical articles and books in statistics and related fields.
Eurostat The Statistical Office of the European Communities provides the European Union with statistics. Eurostat databases and electronic publications (pdf files) are available free of charge via the website. Statistics and data are arranged in broad statistical categories referred to as “Themes” and sub-themes.
Eurostat Yearbook The yearbook and associated compendium publications span across either the full range or a large part of Eurostat statistical themes. These publications provide comparable and harmonised data for the European Union to use in the definition, implementation and analysis of Community policies.
GDF Online: Global Development Finance Statistical data for 138 countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System (before 1997 it was available for many years as World Debt Tables). The database covers external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, and key debt ratios as well as average terms of new commitments, currency composition of long-term debt, debt restructuring, and scheduled debt service projections.These data run from 1970 to 2012, where available.
International Financial Statistics Yearbook /IFS The yearbook, usually published in September, contains available annual data for over 30 years for countries appearing in the monthly issues of the IFS.
Call Number: HG3881 I6074
International Historical Statistics : Africa, Asia & Oceania, 1750-2000 Provides a historical time series of economic and statistical data for the countries of Africa, Asia, and Oceania for the period1750-1988 using a variety of published sources.
Call Number: Reference HA4675 M552 2003
International Historical Statistics : Europe, 1750-2000 Provides a historical time series of economic and statistical data for the countries of Europe for the period 1750-2000 using a variety of published sources.
Call Number: Reference HA1107 M58 2003
International Historical Statistics : The Americas, 1750-2000 Provides a historical time series of economic and statistical data for the Americas for the period 1750-2000 using a variety of published sources.
Call Number: Reference HA175 M55 2003
SourceOECD The online library of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, comprising Book collections by theme, containing all their monographs and reports, as well as periodicals, some reference titles and the OECD statistical databases.
Statistical Abstract of the United States Provides a comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.
United Nations Statistical Division - Common Database UNCDB provides selected series from numerous specialized international data sources for all available countries and areas.
WHOSIS (WHO Statistical Information System) Presents the most recent and comprehensive health data on all of the 193 WHO Member States.
World Development Indicators Contains data on the global economy, including statistical data for development indicators and time series data from 1960-2002 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators.