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Engineering & Science -- Introduction to Engineering & Science Standards and Patents

A guide to finding resources on patents and standards in UVic Libraries.

Standards at UVic Libraries

Techstreet provides access to selected international, national, state and local industry codes and standards. Techstreet standards cover these fields and more: Boiler, Construction, Electronics, Energy, Petrochemical, Food, Medical, Telecommunications, Water, Welding. Access to historical and redline documents is included.

Publications of the Canadian General Standards Board 
The library receives these standards in paper format and they are shelved in the Reference area at call number QC100/C3C2.  An online index is available - Browse the CGSB catalog here.

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 

The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library, via the IEEE Xplore web site, contains the full text of all IEEE and IEE journals and conferences, as well as a complete set of IEEE Standards. Searching by keyword and author name or browsing by publication title is possible. Tables of content and abstracts, as well as full-page images of the articles, are included in this resource.

Engineering Village - Compendex
The ASTM standards are now available and indexed in the Engineering Village database - Compendex.

Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
These standards are purchased individually on request. A listing of CSA standards can be found by searching for Canadian Standards Association as an issuing body in the catalogue

Creative Commons License
This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.