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Microsoft CoPilot – Access to the GPT-4 powered Chatbot at UVic
What is Microsoft CoPilot?
- CoPilot is a GenAI tool, similar to ChatGPT or Google Gemini
- Powered by OpenAI's latest large-language model GPT-4
- Multimodal → it can generate text, code, images, etc.
- Why does UVic provide access to CoPilot?
- It is part of UVic's Microsoft 365 license
- Who can access the GenAI tool at UVic?
- All UVic affiliates: students, faculty, staff, administration
- What is required to access CoPilot?
- Advantage of using CoPilot over similar tools? Data privacy!
- User & organizational data are protected
- Prompts & responses are not saved
- Chats are not used to train the underlying AI model

How to access the tool – step by step
