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Media Studies

A research guide for students looking for scholarly publications in the field of media studies.

Select Critical Media Practice Journals

Media Practice & Education: Media Practice and Education celebrates the role of creative media practice in the university sector and, by association, its important place in our society. The journal aims to contribute rich and rewarding scholarship for the benefit of those working in and between higher education and industry, as well as the communities served by each. By bringing together the distinct yet interdependent pillars of media practice, media theory and media education, the journal is characterised by media praxis and it provides a critical bridge between the traditional written article and alternative forms of creative and critical dissemination. The journal adopts an interdisciplinary approach to research, which seeks to foster exchange and collaboration between academic and creative practitioners, including a focus on those who teach and train in the discipline.

Critical Studies in Media Communication: Critical Studies in Media Communication (CSMC) is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. CSMC publishes original scholarship in mediated and mass communication from a cultural studies and/or critical perspective. It particularly welcomes submissions that enrich debates among various critical traditions, methodological and analytical approaches, and theoretical standpoints.

Camera Obscura: Camera Obscura provides a forum for scholarship and debate on feminism, culture, and media studies. The journal encourages contributions in areas such as the conjunctions of gender, race, class, and sexuality with audiovisual culture; new histories and theories of film, television, video, and digital media; and politically engaged approaches to a range of media practices.

Games and Culture: Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media is an international journal that publishes innovative theoretical and empirical research about games and culture within interactive media. The journal serves as a premiere outlet for ground-breaking work in the field of game studies.

Social Media + Society: The journal presents a collaborative, open, and shared space, dedicated exclusively to the study of social media and their implications for societies. It facilitates state-of-the-art research on cutting-edge trends and allows scholars to focus and track trends specific to this field of study.

Select Books on Critical Media Practice

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