This guide is here to support students in LAW 315I Transsystemic Business Associations, which includes Canadian and Indigenous law, specifically Secwépemc, Cree/Nêhiyaw and Stó:lō legal orders.
This guide is here to support students in LAW 315I Transsystemic Business Associations, which includes Canadian and Indigenous law, specifically Secwépemc, Cree/Nehiyaw and Stó:lō legal orders.
Indigenomics lays out the tenets of the emerging Indigenous economy, built around relationships, multigenerational stewardship of resources, and care for all. Highlights include: The ongoing power shift and rise of the modern Indigenous economy, Voices of leading Indigenous business leaders, The unfolding story in the law courts that is testing Canada's relationship with Indigenous peoples, Exposure of the false media narrative of Indigenous dependency, A new narrative, rooted in the reality on the ground, that Indigenous peoples are economic powerhouses, On the ground examples of the emerging Indigenous economy.