Click on some of these example searches (subject headings and keyword with Boolean), I then like to sort my results by date (latest to earliest)
"language arts" AND elementary
language arts--Study and teaching
language arts (early childhood)
Journal of early childhood literacy
Journal of language & literacy education
Language & literacy: a Canadian educational e-journal
Yearbook - Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers
Journal of child language acquisition and development
Journal of adolescent & adult literacy : a journal from the International Reading Association
Journal of developmental reading
Journal of research in reading
Literacy research and instruction
Reading research and instruction
Reading today: a bimonthly newspaper of the International Reading Association
L1-educational studies in language and literature
Teaching English with technology
Applied research on English language
English language teaching world online
English teaching: practice and critique
International journal of English and education
Teaching Support Books and MoreThe McPherson Library holds hundreds of book and journal titles relevant to the study and teaching of English Language Arts and related subjects. Below are a handful of some of the most frequently consulted titles, but there are many more. Please contact the Education librarian, Pia Russell, for assistance in locating additional titles specific to your topic. |