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Education - Research Methods for Studies in Education

This introductory resource guide is for UVic Faculty of Education students looking for supplementary resources held by UVic Libraries on the topic of research methods.


This introductory resource guide is for UVic Faculty of Education students looking for supplementary resources held by UVic Libraries on the topic of research methods.  Scholarly study within the discipline of Education frequently draws upon commonly used Social Science research methods. 

Your best source of information for an introduction to research methods is your instructor or supervisor.  Ask them for their recommendations of useful introductory resources.  Please let me know if you have recommendations for additional resources to be listed on this guide.

Currently I am in the process of re-designing the education library guides.  Thanks for your patience and stay tuned!

Introductory Video Clip--Prof. Tony Onwuegbuzie

There are many videos on research methods uploaded onto youtube.  In this video clip, SAGE publishers interviews Tony Onwuegbuzie on research methods.  SAGE is a leading publisher of titles in the area of Social Science research methods.  Professor Onwuegbuzie teachs at the University of South Florida's College of Education.  Prof. Onwuegbuzie has published a number of titles with SAGE.  SAGE has many other videos listed on their youtube channel.   

Introductory Video Clip--Alan Bryman

There are many videos on research methods uploaded on youtube.  This video was created by SAGE Publishers, a leading publisher of scholarly resources in the Social Sciences.  In this video clip, SAGE interviews Alan Bryman, a Professor at the University of Leichester in the UK.  Alan is a leading scholar in mixed methods research and has published numerous books with SAGE.  SAGE Publications has many other videos listed on their youtube channel

Introductory Video Clip--Kathleen Collins

There are many videos on research methods uploaded onto youtube.  In this video clip, SAGE publishers interviews Kathleen Collins on research methods.  SAGE is a leading publisher of titles in the area of Social Science research methods.  Professor Collins teaches in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.  What I find particularly helpful in this interview is Prof. Collins' emphasis on the importance of the literacture review.  SAGE has many other videos listed on their youtube channel.   

Introductory Video Clip--Donna Mertens

There are many videos on research methods uploaded onto youtube.  In this video clip, SAGE publishers interviews Donna Mertens on research methods.  SAGE is a leading publisher of titles in the area of Social Science research methods.  Professor Mertens teachs in the Department of Education at Gallaudet University.  Prof. Mertens has published a number of titles with SAGE.  SAGE has many other videos listed on their youtube channel.   

ED-D 561A Methods in Educational Research (May 2022)

EDCI 581 Research Methodologies in Education (January 2022)

For those Ed grad students currently enrolled in a Research Methods course, here is an in-depth video tutorial about how to effectively search for library resources. 

Video tutorial

New to library research at the graduate level?  Or, do you need a library research refresher?  Watch this video for a primer on how to search effectively for library resources on the topic of Social Science research methods. 


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This work by The University of Victoria Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless otherwise indicated when material has been used from other sources.