→ recommended by Prof Fitzsimmons.
→ recommended by Prof Fitzsimmons.
Try to seek out sources targeting managers and practitioners, authors of these sources include management academics, organizational psychologists, consultants and practitioners.
Recommended sources including Harvard Business Review, Organizational Dynamics, Business Horizons can be found in Business Source Complete.
Other key publications include MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, and the Economist, these are available in Library Search.
For broader results try interdisciplinary databases like Google Scholar or psychology databases like PsychINFO.
Case studies provide examples of fictitious or real life situations faced by management, companies, and industries and are designed to be analyzed by a learner and provide a framework for problem solving.
Find actual company or organization examples (case studies) on the web or in journal and magazine articles by including "case study" or "case studies"
as part of your search terms.
Follow up with some targeted news searches for articles or interviews using library subscription news databases. Look out for news from the business press or for interviews with CEOs, founders, etc.
Searching the internet and Google News can also help you turn up interviews via Podcasts, Youtube, or other media.
Use Library Search to find books for more of a broad overview. Try the following subjects or use your own keywords.
Communication in organizations | Corporate culture | Organizational behaviour | Organizational change | Organizational effectiveness | Organizational justice | Organizational learning | Organizational sociology | Employee motivation | Leadership | Quality of work life | Teams in the workplace
Consult subject specific reference tools such as encyclopedias, handbooks, and textbooks. Search for entries on your topic for a quick but broad overview.
With any resource, be sure to approach it with a critical eye and consider its authority, purpose, content, and currency.