Special Collections and University Archives serves as a research and teaching resource for students, faculty, and the community at large. All members of the university community, as well as those outside the university, are welcome to use the resources and services of the department.
Rare Books and Printed Material: Rare printed materials, including fine press and artists' books, are discoverable through UVic Libraries' catalogue. Highlights include:
Featured Artists' Books
Robert Chaplin: The Double Dingle Jingle Plunger
Chen, Julie. (2003). Personal paradigms : a game of human experience. Flying Fish Press.
Marcel Duchamp (facsimiles): De ou par Marcel Duchamp ou Rrose Selavy : (boite-en-valise) = From or by Marcel Duchamp or Rrose Selavy : (box in a valise) : museum in a box and Rotoreliefs
Colette Fu. Luoma, Yi Tiger Festival
Erica Van Horn: Disposal Bag and Envelope Interior Pin-up Calendar
Christine Kermaire: Strokephone : brain phone interface : uploading knowledge in the human brain
Steve McCaffery & b.p. Nichol: In England Now That Spring
Sandra Meigs: From a Cabin in the Woods
Joan Miró, Paul Eluard, Lacourière et Frélaut: A toute épreuve
Andy Warhol: Andy Warhol's index (book)
Fine and Small Presses
Fine Binding
Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts: This list provides an overview of the medieval and early modern manuscripts at UVic Libraries, including books of hours, deeds, charters, illuminated manuscript leaves, letters, and a papal bull.