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Social Dimensions of Health

This guide is based on the excellent Psyc 499 LibGuide, which was originally created by Jessica Mussell.

Steps to conducting research

Familiarize yourself with the jargon and narrow down your topic

  • Encylopedias, Dictionaries and Handbooks are a great way to familiarize yourself with a topic and can provide you with background information. Also refer to your course readings, including textbooks or items on reserve, that relate to your area of study.

  • Once you identify a topic and find some preliminary information, you need to locate more "peer-reviewed" or "scholarly" information from refereed journals (check your instructor's notes in your assignments).

Finding information

Read the sources you found in your preliminary search of the literature to determine

  • what research questions have been generated from the topic
  • from what perspective you may approach this topic

Brainstorm synonyms and keywords

Brainstorm Synonyms and Keywords

A good search includes a comprehensive list of keywords 

  • Synonyms, alternate terms, and equivalent terms - teenager / adolescent / young adults

  • Alternative spellings - behavior / behaviour

  • Acronyms - CBT / cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Regional terms - soccer / football



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