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Marxist Internet Archive
The Marxists Internet Archive is divided into sections: Marxist Writers; Marxist History; Subject Archive; Reference Writers; Encyclopaedia of Marxism. Marxist writers is the largest section, holding over 500 texts. Large collections of works are available in electronic form for Marx and Engels; Lenin; Trotsky; James Connolly; Daniel DeLeon; Rosa Luxemburg; John MacLean; and more. The Marx and Engels, and Lenin archives include correspondence, biographies, photographic images and a subject index. The section on reference writers draws attention to individuals whose works assist in understanding Marxist concepts. Writers for whom biographies and excerpts are provided include Ludwig Feuerbach; Georg Hegel; Jean-Paul Sartre; Albert Einstein; Charles Darwin; Georgi Dimitrov; and Thomas More. [Intute]
The Marxist Internet Archives includes, among other the following texts:
Reading Marx's Capital with David Harvey
Download free ebooks in a variety of e formats. It is an open free library of books scanned and contributed from libraries around the world. A goal is open access to the world's knowledge.
Community-edited texts of classics in all fields (mostly by grad students).
Working groups post many excepts of key texts
You may find ebooks on this site, however copyright restrictions may prevent viewing more than one page.