This page features links to databases of journal articles from the disciplines of Women's / Gender Studies, Asian Studies, and Political Science.
You can also search for individual journal titles using the Library catalogue "Journal Title" search.
Consult the Library's " Databases by Subjec"t list for Pacfic and Asian list, including historical and current non-English material.
China-Related Journals:
Asian Survey
China Journal (formerly The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs)
The China Quarterly
Critical Asian Studies (formerly Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars)
The Journal of Asian Studies
Journal of Chinese Anthropology and Sociology
Journal of Contemporary China
Modern China
Pacific Affairs
positions: east asia cultures critique
Gender-Related Journals:
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
Feminist Studies
Women’s Studies Quarterly
Gender and History
Differences: a Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies
GLQ: a Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies
Feminist Review
Gender and History
Gender and Society
Women & Politics
International Feminist Journal of Politics
Use these databases to find articles about your topic.
Summon 2.0 -- UVic Libraries search engine
Use Summon to search for fulltext scholary articles from all Library collections and databases, including those listed in the box to the left. Be sure to include the word CHINA in your search, along with other terms that will focus your search on gender, modernity and your topic. Use the post search filters to narrow results. READ THE ABSTRACTS PROVIDED with each citation. Select and SAVE these citations for EXPORT TO REFWORKS.
Summon also searches and links to chapters in some ebook collections, e.g. Springer ebooks.